Thursday, March 17, 2011

just the beginning

Have you ever looked up from what you were doing and thought, where has the time gone?!?  That is the exact opposite of what I have thought just about every day for the past year and a half. I have been impatient, dissatisfied and discontent with almost everything about my life. Perhaps if I shared the list with you, you would agree that I had every right and reason to feel this way. Many things my little family has faced in the past couple years are legitimate issues, like my husband being out of a consistent job. Many, on the other hand, are just me being a baby, like wanting a mani-pedi every week or so.

Either way, I'm tired of just letting my days pass by as I live unhappily. Focusing on the negative - the lack of space we have, the screaming of the babies, the barely scraping by - has only accentuated the hard parts of this time in our life. Instead of wallowing in depression and continuing to waste my time, I realize that I must choose to enjoy it. Embrace the good - the parents being close by, the adorableness that only a two year old can showcase, the challenge of decorating and entertaining on a budget. 

Solomon reminds us in Ecclesiastes, "Better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof: and the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit."  My life has only just begun. There is so much more in store for my little family in the future. I pray that God will help me to be a better example of faith and patience to my little guys. 

So that's what this blog is about - doing what I can with the portion that God has given me - my simple portion. I'll be sharing with you some of the everyday things that make me smile. Anything from diy mini-makeovers, to small crafty projects, to funny things my babies have done, to delicious meals and snacks I love, and people that just brighten my day. I hope you appreciate the little joys that fill the days of this simple portion of life that I've been granted.

1 comment:

  1. I love you, Lauren and this made me miss you today. Wish we could sit down and talk while the kids played and screamed. Writing is therapeutic. I'm excited you've started a blog. Now you won't seem so far away!
